
ladytrinity81, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 17th Nov., 2008
  • icon Seen 15 days ago

Receive postcards
icon Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2022WPD

About Joy...

My story goes that when I was just about ten years old, a friend relocated to where her parents went to college. I decided that I'd like to keep her close, so I wrote to her. Although she never replied via letter, she did call to invite me for a visit. Another youth pen pal adventure that I had was when another friend's father passed which was very sad because we were only twelve so she relocated to where she was from in Japan. Now she replied, and did she ever! Intricate, innovative, and interesting goodies from her country of origin were included with her lengthy letters. And I've been into snail mailing ever since! Pen pals from these countries are welcome: CZ,TW, FI, DE, RU, IN, IL! AT: A written and stamped postcard is lovely, but I also really appreciate it when a postcard is written and in an envelope! If possible too, please use special stamps. I love them! Here are my other preferences:

^ Postcards (single or multi views)
GEOGRAPHICAL: Ibiza, EU, map, flag, coat of arms, train/subway vehicle and station, city/aerial, landscape (mountain range, forest), Prague, Czech Republic, Vancouver, British Columbia, Goa, India, Vermont, Oregon, Montana
ANIMALS: WWF, wild cat (puma, bobcat, snow leopard, lynx, etc.), wolf, polar bear, white horse, deer, lamb, dove, bald eagle, flamingo, peacock, swan, dolphin, orca, chipmunk, mice, squirrel, butterfly, caterpillar, odd couple
MYTHOLOGICAL: unicorn, pegasus, phoenix, winged fairy
CHRISTIAN: Son of Man, cross, church/cathedral, scripture, prayer, praying hands, hymn, stained glass window, angel
MEDIA: Electronic Dance Music (EDM), music note or symbolism, National Geographic, foreign alphabet, postal-mail, modern dance, contemporary ballet
WATER: sailboat, waterfall, seashells, coastline, lighthouse, droplet (such as morning dew), tea
AERIAL: hot air balloons, scorpio, rainbow, sunrise or sunset, clouds
BOTANICAL: aspen, birch, dogwood, sequoia, sakura, palm or olive branch, fern, moss, dandelion seeds, mushrooms, tree abstractions, Lily of the valley/flowers, Autumnal foliage/leaves, Sierra Club
^ Handwritten letters
^ Mail Art (atc, embellished envelope, flipbook)
^ Washi Tape
^ Stickers
^ Tea bags
^ Candy/chocolate
^ Special request: sticky return address labels ( ̄ˇ ̄)
^ Stamps

Another hobby of mine is drawing/coloring with Prisma Colored Pencils. My art is mostly abstract and has many lines and shapes, called Neurographic Art. Sometimes I create handmade postcards using this technique or even collages too. You're more than welcome to take a look at some of this as well as photography by going to my website, thanks. I'd like to learn to paint in watercolors and to make a black and white darkroom in my closet. Pale yellow and sky blue are my faves. I listen to CEDM music. My senior Mackerel Tabby cat, Zeus, lives here in a one bedroom apartment with me. Please tell me about where you live, both the area and your home.

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