
is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 7,364,438 habitants. The capital of Turkmenistan is Ashgabat.
Members: 21 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,349 postcards
Received: 1,308 postcards
Ranking: 128th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Turkmenistan

Most active members

1. Leylasha, Turkmenistan Leylasha
578 postcards sent
2. Zulfira, Turkmenistan Zulfira
451 postcards sent
3. aylara, Turkmenistan aylara
167 postcards sent
4. Jeren, Turkmenistan Jeren
108 postcards sent
5. Mary_the_Queen, Turkmenistan Mary_the_Queen
105 postcards sent
6. Aynura, Turkmenistan Aynura
83 postcards sent
7. Bookworm27, Turkmenistan Bookworm27
45 postcards sent
8. LeyLLa, Turkmenistan LeyLLa
37 postcards sent
9. godnesnika, Turkmenistan godnesnika
26 postcards sent
10. Gulshat-Emily, Turkmenistan Gulshat-Emily
18 postcards sent

Random members

aylara, Turkmenistan Zulfira, Turkmenistan Sofa_Mamedseidova, Turkmenistan
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