
is a special territory in the continent of Africa with a population of 776,948 habitants. The capital of Réunion is Saint-Denis.
Members: 76 (Browse all)
Sent: 6,007 postcards
Received: 5,980 postcards
Ranking: 80th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Réunion

Most active members

1. viote, Réunion viote
2,238 postcards sent
2. Alex_2010, Réunion Alex_2010
1,830 postcards sent
3. Kairy, Réunion Kairy
598 postcards sent
4. flowreunion, Réunion flowreunion
350 postcards sent
5. Ale---, Réunion Ale---
320 postcards sent
6. shaa_c, Réunion shaa_c
289 postcards sent
7. july90, Réunion july90
224 postcards sent
8. merenwen, Réunion merenwen
222 postcards sent
9. Starlessia, Réunion Starlessia
174 postcards sent
10. Ethan81, Réunion Ethan81
113 postcards sent

Random members

shaa_c, Réunion Kairy, Réunion Madelen, Réunion july90, Réunion moonliv, Réunion Starlessia, Réunion Khaan, Réunion loanjo974, Réunion Tropical_jay974, Réunion Alex_2010, Réunion FREDERIQUEMAS, Réunion
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