
is a country in the continent of Africa with a population of 2,963,095 habitants. The capital of Namibia is Windhoek.
Members: 41 (Browse all)
Sent: 3,090 postcards
Received: 2,786 postcards
Ranking: 102nd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Namibia

Most active members

609 postcards sent
2. Liengous, Namibia Liengous
189 postcards sent
3. desertgirl, Namibia desertgirl
156 postcards sent
4. whbrockerhoff, Namibia whbrockerhoff
128 postcards sent
5. EvdW, Namibia EvdW
127 postcards sent
6. TIA123, Namibia TIA123
111 postcards sent
7. HLessing, Namibia HLessing
75 postcards sent
8. Hessie, Namibia Hessie
66 postcards sent
9. Lene_Bean, Namibia Lene_Bean
65 postcards sent
10. Burgers1437, Namibia Burgers1437
57 postcards sent

Random members

TIA123, Namibia Hessie, Namibia
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