
is a special territory in the continent of Oceania with a population of 166,506 habitants. The capital of Guam is Hagåtña.
Members: 42 (Browse all)
Sent: 5,454 postcards
Received: 5,421 postcards
Ranking: 83rd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Guam

Most active members

1. jeeprangermom, Guam jeeprangermom
5,041 postcards sent
2. josilyn2sakura, Guam josilyn2sakura
582 postcards sent
3. wintiglet, Guam wintiglet
365 postcards sent
4. natashaluckett, Guam natashaluckett
150 postcards sent
5. AElenaT, Guam AElenaT
92 postcards sent
6. adventuresoftoni, Guam Postcrossing Supporter adventuresoftoni
92 postcards sent
7. chankobabe, Guam chankobabe
76 postcards sent
8. lorda5, Guam lorda5
52 postcards sent
9. kymm00, Guam kymm00
49 postcards sent
10. KelliBee, Guam KelliBee
45 postcards sent

Random members

adventuresoftoni, Guam josilyn2sakura, Guam jeeprangermom, Guam
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