
is a country in the continent of Africa with a population of 46,164,219 habitants. The capital of Algeria is Algiers.
Members: 170 (Browse all)
Sent: 14,154 postcards
Received: 14,127 postcards
Ranking: 67th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Algeria

Most active members

1. freivogel, Algeria freivogel
3,204 postcards sent
2. salimpenfriendz, Algeria salimpenfriendz
589 postcards sent
3. tayeb2050, Algeria tayeb2050
545 postcards sent
4. Khaled, Algeria Khaled
529 postcards sent
5. labibdadi, Algeria labibdadi
450 postcards sent
6. Faiza, Algeria Faiza
389 postcards sent
7. Evgeny_Zhuchkov, Algeria Evgeny_Zhuchkov
382 postcards sent
8. medimed, Algeria medimed
378 postcards sent
9. Mialed, Algeria Mialed
351 postcards sent
10. salimo7, Algeria salimo7
323 postcards sent

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