Antigua and Barbuda

is a country in the continent of North America with a population of 94,298 habitants. The capital of Antigua & Barbuda is St. John's.
Members: 6 (Browse all)
Sent: 359 postcards
Received: 262 postcards
Ranking: 171st (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Antigua and Barbuda

Most active members

1. Antigua_Son, Antigua and Barbuda Antigua_Son
154 postcards sent
2. terasgirl, Antigua and Barbuda terasgirl
55 postcards sent
3. asilomik, Antigua and Barbuda asilomik
20 postcards sent
4. miami87, Antigua and Barbuda miami87
11 postcards sent
5. antetony, Antigua and Barbuda antetony
11 postcards sent
6. Drue_17, Antigua and Barbuda Drue_17
2 postcards sent

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Antigua_Son, Antigua and Barbuda antetony, Antigua and Barbuda
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