Meet Melvin, a portable and complex contraption made just with the purpose of signing and stamping postcards!

“Conveniently built in two old suitcases, Melvin the Mini Machine is a Rube Goldberg machine specifically designed to travel the world. Each time Melvin fully completes a run, he ‘signs’ a postcard and sticks a stamp to it – making it ready to be sent.”
Melvin was created by design studio HEYHEYHEY, because they had some time to kill and needed a challenge to their creativity. How much fun would it be to have one of these for our own postcards? :D
Thank you mothwriter and badshaped, for forwarding us the video!
48 comments so far
This made me laugh :)
Beautiful video :)
How awesome is this? :D
Amazing!!! Made my day. :)
This is SO COOL!!!! I want one!! If I can't have one... can I at least get one of the postcards Melvin makes?! :D :D
I love that idea.. I want to make one..
Some people really have great and funny ideas to entertain our daily life ! It would be so wonderful to can receive one of these postcards ;)
How cool is that? Can I have one?
I would gladly make a donation to a charity in enchange for a card from Melvin the Machine! Perhaps the receiving charity could rotate, or change monthly/quarterly?
That is just GREAT. I enjoyed watching
That was simply amazing.
I could watch Melvin for hours!!!
J'adore !
Amazing! :0
Dit is echt lachen! Geweldig gedaan.
Dutch Design! Such a happy item!
I recognised dutch products, the Hema alarmclock, a tin from candy called Haags Hopje and matches from Sweden with a design that hasn't changed for years
This is really fun!!! Thanks for sharing!! :D
It is marvelous Physics, Before that i have seen this On HTC Mobile's Facebook Timeline , Postcard with One Queen's stamp Incredible .. !!!
Amazing! Wish to have a card from him! :D
Great video, really enjoyed it.
LOL, that was fun to watch! I sure wouldn't mine receiving a Melvin card, either....great novelty!
Incredibly funny and cool! Melvin makes me smile (^-^)
(And it's Dutch! Eindhoven Rockcity!!)
This is absolutely cool! They definitely had LOTS of time to kill ;-) Well done, and well filmed!
Wow, it is wonderful! I love that's it's so old fashioned and slow - our lives these days are too rushed!
made me smile. :)
Awesome! I just want to have that mini machine!!:)
very good video, I love to have a postcard of melvin
Haha, funny thing! I want one too!! :-)
Haha love it! Might be a challenge explaining it going through security at the airport tho :P
Great clip, very funny : )
Such a heartwarming video. :)
so awesome! wish i own your suitcases lol
Awesome Video!! I'd love to have a postcard of Melvin
This made my day :)
I would love one of these postcards! Great Video!!!
Wow! How clever! Everyone needs a Melvin :-D
What fun! Thanks for posting this :D
that was so cool! I LOVE it!
Hahahaha, I love it! The dutch people can really make wonderful movies. :D
Soooooooooooo funny!
Hilarious!! Absolutely great!!! :D
Yeay! I love it!
Awesome! A combination od Mousetrap, with Boccé and a pipe. I would love to get a postcard from Melvin.
awesome idea!!!!
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