New Caledonia

is a special territory in the continent of Oceania with a population of 289,870 habitants. The capital of New Caledonia is Noumea.
Members: 38 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,467 postcards
Received: 1,390 postcards
Ranking: 122nd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from New Caledonia

Most active members

1. dinosaurnextdoor, New Caledonia dinosaurnextdoor
238 postcards sent
2. Nathyv971, New Caledonia Nathyv971
157 postcards sent
3. Aonabi, New Caledonia Aonabi
140 postcards sent
4. Coemgenus, New Caledonia Coemgenus
97 postcards sent
5. Claka, New Caledonia Claka
78 postcards sent
6. Thepapersdream, New Caledonia Thepapersdream
74 postcards sent
7. ByMarjolaine, New Caledonia ByMarjolaine
68 postcards sent
8. Sopichan, New Caledonia Sopichan
67 postcards sent
9. Fab07, New Caledonia Fab07
61 postcards sent
10. Brimax, New Caledonia Brimax
57 postcards sent

Random members

Baboudesiles, New Caledonia DoThiLan, New Caledonia Madynek, New Caledonia domiapi, New Caledonia Aonabi, New Caledonia
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