
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 58,761,146 habitants. The capital of Italy is Rome.
Members: 5,306 (Browse all)
Sent: 712,027 postcards
Received: 718,947 postcards
Ranking: 24th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Italy

Most active members

1. lallpall, Italy Postcrossing Supporter lallpall
16,765 postcards sent
2. Paol, Italy Paol
15,291 postcards sent
3. micio, Italy Postcrossing Supporter micio
13,735 postcards sent
4. rodcenko, Italy Postcrossing Supporter rodcenko
11,283 postcards sent
5. imagna, Italy imagna
9,252 postcards sent
6. silvanogiai, Italy silvanogiai
8,816 postcards sent
7. enzofil21, Italy enzofil21
8,401 postcards sent
8. carlafed, Italy carlafed
8,393 postcards sent
9. limoda, Italy limoda
6,545 postcards sent
10. MONICA76, Italy MONICA76
5,247 postcards sent

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